
Playing Tug of War with Your Dog: Some Easy Tips

Playing Tug of War with Your Dog

Generally, dog loves playing that create an easy training to play tug of war. It’s a game that helps to improve the physical or mental health of a predatory nature dog. Tug of war may be a regular exercise for dog body movement. This game amplifies the dogs’ and human friendship bonding.

For continuing to play, make ensure the playing rules and parameter creates a safe zone during playing. These rules lead the game in the right direction that may be able to avoid dangerous situations made by dogs. After training your dog properly as following the rules, there is no reason to fear playing with your loving, cute pooch.

It’s known that most of the puppies love to bite unconsciously, that possible to handle by tug of war training game. Mouthing, biting, and tugging are normal fun games for a cute little puppy that is controlled and trained by tug-of-war playing. This tug-of-war game helps to learn your dog to play, which gives strength to human–dog bonding.

Start Commanding with Toy

Playing Tug of War with Your Dog

Beginning to play, let the command with the toy such as catch it, drop it or something else during to play tug of war game with your dog. Toys help to get the attention of the dog is able to accept commands.

These types of commands help to stop the game. Even repeating the game again and again will be easy by using a fixed command. By practicing command with your dog, feel free to hold your tugging toy before your release command and direction.

Toys should be made of rubber or other comfort materials that are more colourful and designed. Toys’ flexibility and durability should noticed that will not be the same as other toys like fetch.

Fixed Rules, Toys and Place

Playing Tug of War with Your Dog

At first fixed, your suitable area is distracted, cluttered and dangerous objects free. And also, select your rules and toys during teaching commanding.

Dogs love to play with different tools, but for the command, it should fixed in the same shape and sized toy that helps to understand the dog easily. You can choose a room but ensure you have enough space for moving. Follow the same rules to play tug of war game with your dog.

Give Rest

Sometimes, your dog might be tried in case of over-exciting predatory habits. It’s normal behavior, but the fact is to keep away from becoming excited or worried. That’s why getting the rest of your loving dog is a highly recommended thing.

Give him a break before it gets out of control during play tug of war. Take some seconds. Those moments are so encouraging to play a tug war game. 

Way to Play Tug of War

Teaching a dog to play tug of war game that doesn’t make him aggressive, but we shouldn’t allow playing with children because the excitement level during playing can be increased, that is so difficult to under control.

It has many advantages but can be more dangerous if the way to play tug of war is unknown. Some tips that may follow for safely playing:

  • Safe Surfaces should be noticed that will not slipper wood smooth floors are problems for a dog. Slippery surfaces like tiles can cause dog injury. You have to use a rough surface such as carpet, grassy lawn or rubber floor. 
  • Let’s feel your dog to understand that it’s time to hold toy when you command “Drop it”. Move the tug toy back and throw it slightly to foster to get the attention of your dog.
  • Your Dog should do most of the Work during playing tug of war. While your dog has the toy in his mouth, you have to fully engage him to the game of tug gently. Doing more work with your dog helps practice and exercise.
  • You have to Use A Toy That Your Dog Will Enjoy. Choosing toy is most important searching a suitable toy that will suit your dog.  If your dog sniffs the toys again that means selecting the toys. Adding the cue “sit” or “down” of your command by using toy movements is important for controlling them. Naturally, dogs keep their bodies low to the ground, so you should keep your tug toy low to the ground during playing.
  • Repeat the above steps regularly. If you delay presentation and practice, they will forget it gradually. The game is over, which means the tug toy should be kept away from it. Otherwise, it will be the reason to practice forcefully.
  • Let Your Dog Win improves their interest in playing. Dogs have different natures that vary, but most of dogs like to get winning rewards, so help them to be a winner during tug of war games.

Benefits of Playing Tug War Game

Playing tug is more beneficial that builds a good relationship between a dog and its owner. Getting high mental and physical enrichment is the main benefit. 

Tug war playing is beneficial for the impulse control of a dog.  As a reward for a job, tug war game can be used. It also increases confidence to build exercise. This playing can motivate the strength and working ability.

Activities at Playing Time

It should be noticed that your dog will drop the tug without any hesitation and feel fearless in mind. Do practice the command during the game patiently. Notice behaviors when you teach a dog to have a relaxed and chill mood.

Teach him different types of tricks that create interest in a dog. A dog can bite on a tug accidentally two or three times. You should stop the game for that day. It’s a reason for a dog’s anxiety, but you have to care about its teeth. Teeth may graze many times due to the nature of the game, then say to stop the game.


About Md Ashraful Islam

Ashraful Islam, Founder and CEO of Go Pets Zone is a dedicated animal lover with extensive knowledge in pet care. He created the website to provide valuable information and resources to fellow pet lovers. Ashraful’s passion for improving the lives of pets and their owners shines through his commitment to sharing expert advice and innovative pet care solutions.

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